
Memories matter most

At Camp Niwana, we believe that the most important aspect of summer camp is the memories that are created. While we offer a wide range of exciting activities and games, from swimming and hiking to team sports and arts and crafts, it's the experiences shared with new friends and old that truly make Camp Niwana special. We're proud to have campers who have grown into leaders and mentors, and who have been attending our camp for more than 50 years. These campers are a testament to the lifelong memories and friendships that can be made at Camp Niwana. Join us this summer for an unforgettable experience that will last a lifetime!

A Camp Niwana Movie!

We're thrilled to share with you a short film documenting life at Camp Niwana, created by one of our very own counselors, Blaine Gonzales. Blaine's film captures the essence of Camp Niwana - the excitement, the friendships, and the magic that happens every summer. The film focuses on Blaine's own cabin, where he and his campers share experiences that they'll never forget. As a former camper himself, Blaine understands the importance of creating a safe, inclusive, and positive environment for all campers. We're so proud of Blaine and his dedication to preserving the spirit of Camp Niwana. Check out the film and join us this summer to experience the magic for yourself!

Below, you'll find a collection of photos that showcase the exciting and diverse range of activities that we offer at camp. Our gallery is divided into sections that highlight everything from classic camp activities like archery and canoeing to more adventurous pursuits like axe throwing. We're proud to offer a wide variety of activities that cater to all interests and skill levels, and our experienced staff is dedicated to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all campers. We hope these photos give you a glimpse of the fun and adventure that awaits you at Camp Niwana!

Swimming & water fun

At Camp Niwana, our Olympic-sized swimming pool is a highlight of the summer. We offer Red Cross certified swim lessons every day, ensuring that all campers have the opportunity to learn important water safety skills. Campers can also enjoy free swim time and our exciting water slide. With safety as our top priority, our pool is a fun and safe place for campers to cool off and make a splash. We swim at least twice a day, giving campers plenty of opportunities to enjoy the water and build confidence in their swimming abilities.


At Camp Niwana, our archery range is a favorite among campers. Our experienced instructors lead classes and activities that help campers develop their archery skills, with a focus on safety and technique. With different target ranges and games to play, campers can challenge themselves and have fun while learning a new skill. Our archery classes are suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced archers. Whether you're a seasoned pro or trying archery for the first time, our range and classes provide a safe and exciting opportunity to improve your aim and have fun.


At Camp Niwana, our fishing program provides a fun and exciting opportunity for campers to learn about the great outdoors and develop their fishing skills. With access to two different lakes, our experienced instructors teach classes that cover everything from basic fishing techniques to identifying different fish species. Whether you're an experienced angler or just starting out, our fishing program is tailored to meet the needs of all skill levels. With a focus on safety and environmental responsibility, our fishing classes provide campers with an opportunity to connect with nature and learn new skills while having fun. Come explore the great outdoors with us at Camp Niwana!


Our canoeing program provides a unique and exciting way for campers to explore the great outdoors. Our experienced instructors lead classes that cover everything from basic paddling techniques to navigating different types of waterways. We also offer regular canoe trips, with one trip taking place during each camp session. These trips allow campers to put their skills to the test and explore new and exciting waterways. Our most popular destination is Village Creek, a beautiful and scenic river in the heart of Texas. With a focus on safety and fun, our canoeing program is a favorite among campers, providing an opportunity to learn new skills and create unforgettable memories. Join us at Camp Niwana for an adventure on the water!


At Camp Niwana, hiking and trailblazing is a favorite activity among campers. Our experienced instructors lead hikes through beautiful wooded trails, pointing out interesting plants and wildlife along the way. We also offer trailblazing activities, where campers get to learn the basics of trailblazing, such as map reading, compass use, and orienteering. With a focus on safety and fun, our hiking and trailblazing activities are suitable for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. These activities provide a great opportunity for campers to connect with nature, learn new skills, and explore the beautiful surroundings of our camp. Whether you're looking for a leisurely walk in the woods or a more challenging adventure, our hiking and trailblazing activities offer something for everyone. Join us at Camp Niwana for an unforgettable outdoor experience!

Arts & Crafts

At Camp Niwana, arts and crafts is a beloved activity that allows campers to showcase their creativity and imagination. Our daily arts and crafts class provides campers with the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, including painting, drawing, beadwork, and more. With a focus on encouraging individuality and self-expression, our instructors provide guidance and support to help campers bring their ideas to life. Whether campers want to make a gift for their parents, decorate their cabin, or simply enjoy the creative process, our arts and crafts program offers a fun and engaging outlet for artistic expression. Come join us at Camp Niwana and explore your creative side!


At Camp Niwana, our axe-throwing program is an exciting and unique activity that challenges campers to try something new. Our experienced instructors lead classes that cover the basics of axe-throwing, with a focus on safety and technique. With a range of targets and challenges to try, campers can test their skills and compete with their friends. Our axe-throwing program is suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced throwers. Whether you're trying axe-throwing for the first time or looking to hone your skills, our program provides a safe and thrilling opportunity to learn a new activity. Join us at Camp Niwana and discover the excitement of axe-throwing!


Our riflery program offers a unique and exciting opportunity for campers to develop their shooting skills in a safe and controlled environment. Our experienced instructors lead classes that cover the basics of shooting, with a focus on safety and accuracy. With a range of targets and challenges to try, campers can test their skills and compete with their friends. Our riflery program is suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced shooters. Whether you're trying shooting for the first time or looking to improve your aim, our program provides a fun and challenging opportunity to learn a new skill. Join us at Camp Niwana and discover the excitement of riflery!

Dance night

Our dance nights are a beloved tradition that provide a fun and exciting opportunity for campers to socialize and show off their moves. With a lively and energetic atmosphere, our dance nights offer a chance for campers to let loose and have fun. For older campers, it's also an opportunity to ask out that special someone in a fun and relaxed environment. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or just looking to have a good time, our dance nights provide a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone to enjoy. Join us at Camp Niwana for a night of fun and dancing!

Cooking class

At Camp Niwana, our cooking class is a popular and fun-filled activity that allows campers to explore their culinary skills and creativity. With our experienced instructors leading the way, campers learn the basics of cooking, including knife skills, recipe reading, and meal planning. Our cooking class covers a range of dishes, from classic campfire favorites to more elaborate recipes, and campers get to enjoy their creations when they're done. With a focus on safety and healthy eating, our cooking class provides campers with an opportunity to learn new skills, try new flavors, and create lasting memories. Join us at Camp Niwana and explore the exciting world of cooking!